• The Bavarian company joins ABC Business Network becoming shareholder
  • Strategic agreement as strengthening of existing collaboration.
  • Goal: optimisation and extensions of both networks activities 

Alzenau / Verona, May 9th 2023. ELVIS (Europäischer Ladungs-Verbund Internationaler Spediteure AG) joins Italy’s transport and logistics ABC Business Network through achieving full membership. Likewise, the Italian network also becomes a full partner of the Bavarian company. The aim is to consolidate the existing partnership and further  strengthening the collaboration started in 2019.

The goal of both Networks is to improve and extend their existing services to further develop their member’s activities. The agreement has been signed in Munich at  Transport Logistc , the world leading  trade fair for logistics, mobility, IT and Supply Chain Management.

“Over the last four years of collaboration with the Italian network it became more and more clear how the strategic goals of ABC perfectly match with those of our network and vice versa. Well over the excellent personal relationships, we share the same corporate philosophy and the same vision of the future”, says Jochen Eschborn, CEO of ELVIS AG about the new strategic agreement : “Once we realised this over our daily activities, consolidating our cooperation further was just the logical evolution of what we achieved over the last four years”. 

Both companies are focused on medium-sized, privately owned transport and freight forwarding companies, providing them the same range of services and allowing them to expand their business by achieving synergies through mutual cooperation, joint purchases and a wide range of additional support services. A significant achievement of this philosophy is PANECO, the Pan-European transport network created in spring 2021 by connecting 25 leading operators throughout Europe where both ELVIS and ABC are founding members.

The CEO of ABC Business Network, Mr. Matteo Ravazzin explains: “Germany is Italy’s first trading partner and consequently the first market for many of our Network Members. Therefore allowing them an easy and direct to the ELVIS services is indeed a great advantage for us”.

“Furthermore, ABC will take advantage of the know-how and extensive experience of the Bavarian Group on part loads handling though a hub and spoke structure, a unique product offered by Elvis on the German market, aswell as all other benefits provided to the Network’s member companies.  Indeed, there is currently no similar organisation in Europe offering a comparable range of services than ELVIS does, therefore, we are really proud to join it and have a partner like ELVIS   ”. From the German side the Italian partnership represents a huge step forward in terms of internationalization. According to the CEO of ELVIS, Mr. Jochen Eschborn: “Europe is one of the most important and largest economic areas the world. However, his fragmentation in different rules, different mentalities and language barriers are some of the hurdles SME operators face to set up long them cross-border cooperations. Under these circumstances, it is obvious that having a cooperative partner is a precious asset for us”.